ITS Bloggers
Welcome Back! SENCO Support for the next academic year
The first month of the new academic year is over and SENCOs across the country will have been getting to grips with all of the SEND challenges that they will face over the next twelve months. Whether you are new to role or an... Read moreGuidance for full opening: special schools and other specialist settings – Updated 8th September
Lorraine Petersen has compared this document with the mainstream one that was updated on 28th August and has indicated the additional information for specialist settings. Purpose of this guidance In developing this guidance for... Read moreTop Ten Tips for preparing schools for September for pupils with SEND
1. Work closely with parent carers in everything that you are planning. For many students their parent carers have taken on the extended role of teacher, therapist, support worker and much more for nearly half a year. They have supported... Read more
What every Inclusion Lead/Director of SEND should know this Spring?
Read the very latest summary on DfE and Ofsted agenda’s In this more difficult SEN climate where MATs are having to provide services that were once available from the LA including Speech and Language Therapy, these are the questions... Read moreHelp! I have a Y7 Needing an EHCP
As someone working in middle and secondary schools, I was by no means the first person to have come across a child yet I was often the first one to do anything about getting an EHCP. Does this sound familiar? It certainly was to me and... Read moreWho Should Be On My SEND Register?
Sounds like a simple question doesn’t it? To be on the SEND register, a student should have SEND. In practice however, things are not always this black and white. As a SENCO, you need to manage a range of (often competing) demands... Read more
Sarah's thoughts