Since April 2009 our speech and language therapists and occupational therapists have been undertaking training in Talk Tools.  We purchased the range of therapy equipment to support our therapists in offering this approach across their caseloads.
This approach is an American approach by Sara Rosenfield- Johnson
It believes in assimilating the experiences used through oral -motor exercises and feeding to develop speech sound patterns and good oral motor skills. 
We have been achieving outstanding results with this method of therapy for a range of children, young people and adults including those with;
  • Down’s Syndrome
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Speech sound delays/disorders
  • Dyspraxia
  • Learning disabilities
  • Maxio facial difficulties
  • Acquired disorders
  • Those rehabilitating from Stokes
The straw hierarchy has been offering a fantastic solution to working on tongue retraction for early feeding skills and to then promote speech sound development. 

Some of our young people with Autism have been successful in drinking with straws for the first time in 14 years!

They have also reduced the amount of ‘drooling’ previously experienced.  

For children with Down syndrome we have eradicated tongue thrusting for some children and reduced it significantly for others. 
We have also found that this approach has provided fantastic sensory integration experiences, helping students to calm and focus their attention ready for work activities.  

We have found the bubble hierarchy to be successful with children and teenagers who haven’t been able to blow bubbles prior to this approach.  Moving through the hierarchy, popping the bubble on their lips, blowing the bubble off the wand, blowing a bubble through the wand and slowly learning to blow for a sustained distance.   Bubble blowing is a fantastic activity to promote tongue retraction, lip rounding and jaw stability.

The horn hierarchy has proved an excellent sensory integration activity, increasing children’s sustained blowing skills.  This is helping to build up postural control and core strength and is having a positive effect on calming and focussing their attention. The horns are aiding speech sound development and are so motivating to the child. They work on the vital skills of Jaw Stability, tongue retraction and support clients developing good lip patterns.
We have used further approaches within Talk Tools, such as the bite blocks/jaw graders, the button pull exercises. chewy chews and many more. 
All of the activities are really appealing to the children, young people and adults we work with and it does not feel like work in the slightest. 
Therapy homework has becomes easier for parents who have found more traditional homework harder to achieve. 
Further details can be found on the following website 

As a therapy team, we please to announce our monthly Talk Tools Assessment clinic and Programme follow up Clinic
This clinic is suitable to all those starting the approach or those needing a programme updated.  It is open to children and adolescents, as well as older clients.  Adult’s recovering from Strokes and acquired injuries are also welcome to book an appointment. 

Other useful sites, which contains articles about this therapy approach are; 

Do read further articles written by Sara Rosenfield-Jonhson within our Resources section titled; Talk Tools.
If your setting is interested in our Talk Tools assessment clinic or Talk Tools programme update clinic do get in contact with Sarah to discuss further 07841 197098.

Sarah Needham

Director of I.T.S &
Speech and Language Therapist

January 2010



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