Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

Speech and Language Therapy

A number of highly-skilled speech and language therapists are available to assess the individual?s speech, language and communication needs. I.T.S. can provide speech and language therapy services in Leicestershire, Surrey,... Read more

Processes for Communication

Speech and language assessments are a complicated process and are different for each client. The therapist is looking to establish the child?s communication strengths and weaknesses, and identify any communication breakdowns. Specifically... Read more

Speech Development

 A child’s acquisition of speech follows a relatively typical pattern of development. The basic units of speech are ‘speech sounds’ and these are typically acquired in a systematic, chronological manner by typically developing... Read more

Boys and SEN

The Telegraph reported this week on recent data published by the Department of Education about children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). You can read the article in full here:... Read more

Phonics Checks

Several national newspapers and news services have reported recently about the government-implemented ‘Phonics screening check’, which began this month for six year olds throughout the country. The phonics check was implemented by... Read more

Language and Holidays

With summer holidays upon us, many parents and families are thinking about creative ways to keep the kids happy and healthy over the summer months. One organisation actively involved in working with children with speech, language and... Read more

Lesley Garrett and Voice

The Mirror reported on an interesting speech and language issue last week: voice. The soprano singer Lesley Garrett was interviewed about her fear of losing her voice when she suffered a vocal fold haemorrhage during a concert. You can... Read more


With iPads and other tablets becoming more commonly used in everyday life, hi-tech gadgets are becoming more and more popular as methods of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC). Many individuals throughout the UK have... Read more

Selective Mutism

The Daily Mail wrote recently about the subject of Selective Mutism in the UK population. You can read the article in full... Read more

Better Integrated Care

On the 19th March 2012 - the Department of Health issued a Press Release on their website about integrated care and Allied Health Professionals. You can read the Press Release in full... Read more