Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

ITS Therapy in Middlesex

Integrated Treatment Services are working across Middlesex delivering high quality Speech and Language Therapy. We are keen to expand the team further within Middlesex to provide; Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Arts Therapies and... Read more

ITS Therapies Warwickshire

Integrated Treatment Services is able to provide therapy services across Warwickshire for children, young people and adults. We are happy to take enquiries from adults, parents of children or young people with a disability, from Case... Read more

ITS Therapy in Essex

Are you looking for speech and language therapy within Essex? Our team of speech and language therapists can offer therapy across the following areas and further across Essex: Colchester, Clacton, Ipswich, Witham, Chelmsford and right... Read more

Spotlight on Health Visitors

Having a new baby is a daunting time for anybody, and many new parents can feel overwhelmed when they return home with their new bundle of joy. So much of the run up to the due date is focused on the actual birth and what will happen... Read more

Dysfluency in Northern Ireland

A recent BBC News Report claimed that young people and adults with stammers in Northern Ireland often have to travel to England to receive the specialist provision they need. The BBC report added that in March 2012, 130 adults across... Read more

NI Speech and Language Clinic

Over the past number of years, many families in the rural counties of Fermanagh and Tyrone have been forced to travel long distances to access private Speech and Language Therapy services. This places an additional pressure on families?... Read more

Social Communication Project

In 2009 researchers from Manchester University completed a project called the Social Communication Intervention Project. The study was a randomised control trial looking at the effectiveness of a manualised speech and language therapy... Read more

Articulate : AAC

The Art and Science of Synthetic Speech Is language art or science, or a bit of both? A road show celebrating alternative communication will be touring north England celebrating the coming together of science and art in communication.... Read more

SALT in Northern Ireland

In an exciting development, we have recently expanded our Speech and Language Therapy Services in Northern Ireland. Two therapists have joined our team, with the aim of meeting the needs of children, young people and adults clients with a... Read more

RCLST Voice Box in NI

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists is working with the Northern Ireland Assembly to raise awareness of speech, language and communication difficulties. As part of the Giving Voice campaign the RCSLT is running a... Read more