Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

Communication Difficulties

Recognising Communication Difficulties My son has started school this year and is getting into trouble regularly. His class teachers are concerned about his behaviour and that he is not bonding well with his classmates.  The SENCO at the... Read more

Talk Tools

Talk Tools in Speech and Language Therapy.  Does anyone have any experience? Oral motor therapy is based around targeting and training the muscles used for speaking or eating that are impaired or... Read more

Communication after a Stroke

Communication Problems after a Stroke   My Husband has recently had a stroke and is now suffering with aphasia.  He is seeing a speech and language therapist so we are hoping he will improve.  In the mean time is there anything that... Read more

Children & Cerebral Palsy

Could my child have Cerebral Palsy?   I have noticed that my child doesn’t seem to be physically developing like his brother did.  He was a little premature but doctors said he was fine.  I am worried he could have cerebral palsy... Read more

DSM5 Autism Changes

Changes to Autism in the DSM-5: How will they impact you? The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders was recently released at the annual American Psychiatric Association’s (APA)... Read more

Nursery Rhymes for Development

We all know that kids love nursery rhymes, but did you know that they are also a really great way to prepare a small child’s brain for language; boosting their speech and language development. Almost all cultures have a repertoire of... Read more

Childhood Stammering

Occasionally we all can be a little dysfluent and stumble over our words, this is usually when we are tired or have a lot on our minds.  A stammer is characterised by an abnormally high frequency of these dysfluencies, which regularly... Read more

Speech & Language Therapy

 Speech and Language Therapy – What is it all about?   What is a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT)?                                 A Speech and Language Therapist is a trained professional who specialises in... Read more

What is Statementing ?

What is a statement of educational needs and should my child have one? A statement of educational needs is a legally binding contract that formally recognizes a child’s condition and states what their specific needs are.  It will... Read more

Apps for Childhood Apraxia

The use of Apps in therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder (a disorder that affects motor skills needed to speak).  Children with apraxia of speech will have problems saying... Read more