Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

SALT & Video Flouroscopy

What to expect if you are having a video fluoroscopy My 2 year old son is going in for a video fluoroscopy next week.  He has Hemiplegia and is epileptic, the procedure is to check his swallow as he struggles to swallow solids and... Read more

Autism & Dyspraxia differences

Autism Vs. Dyspraxia My daughter was diagnosed with autism 5 years ago and we have never questioned it.  However, the paediatrician thinks that my sister’s son may have dyspraxia.  While researching into the condition I have seen so... Read more

Selective Mutism

My child has just being diagnosed with selective mutism and I am so confused.  It was probably not the right thing to do but I looked on the internet and found a lot of scary information.  I just want to know if it is my fault and what I... Read more

Social Skills

My 14 year old son has autism, he has always been a happy boy but he is starting to become quite down about not having many close friends.  He has tried to make friends but he doesn’t seem to understand the give and take it... Read more

My Child Won’t Talk in School

At home my little girl is a happy little chatterbox, she talks to her toys when playing and will tell me all about her day at nursery.  However, her class teachers report the total opposite. They say she will join in activities and always... Read more

Visual Impairment

How can being visually impaired affect communication? Two months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl but unfortunately she got an infection during pregnancy.  This has meant she was born blind and is likely to have learning... Read more

Triad of Impairment

What is the ‘Triad of Impairment’? Today my paediatrician told me that she thinks my son could have autism.  I have heard of the condition before but have no experience with it at all.  When she tried to explain it to me she... Read more

Dysphagia after a Stroke

My father had a stroke 3 months ago; he was in hospital for a while but has recovered and is now at home.  He said that he is eating and drinking fine but I have noticed that he is coughing a lot when he is drinking.  Is this something... Read more

Talking Mats

Try Talking Mats Our team of Speech and Language Therapists and associated therapists frequently use Talking Mats. It is an invaluable resource, which can be used with a range of clients to discuss a multitude of topics from... Read more

Makaton and Speech Development

Can using Makaton delay speech development?   My baby has just been born with Down’s Syndrome and the pediatrician has suggested I look into using Makaton with her.  I am worried that signing may stop her from trying to talk and... Read more