Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News


Speech and Language Therapy versus other approaches My son is 5 years old and has autism and I would like to get some private help for him.  I am confused by the help that private Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) can provide... Read more

AAC Awareness Month

October is Augmentative and Alternative Communication awareness month   What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)? AAC refers to any system of communication that is used alongside or instead of speech to help people with... Read more

22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

Genetic disorder 22q11.2 deletion syndrome What is it?  22q11.2 deletion syndrome is caused by a missing section (micro-deletion) of chromosome 22 which is present from the time a child is conceived.   How common is it? It is... Read more

Assessment for ASD

With the support of a speech therapist, our daughter has a developmental assessment next week due to concerns that she may have autism. We would like some advice about what to expect at the assessment?     What is Autism Spectrum... Read more

Internet Therapy Services

What is internet therapy? ITS are happy to provide speech and language therapy delivered via the internet.   How does it work? The therapist will call the client on Skype and carry out an observation/assessment or deliver therapy in... Read more

Advice for Stroke Care-Givers

My husband is in hospital after recently having a stroke.  I am very confused and feel very uneasy about the future.  Will I be able to cope being a full time carer? Caring for a stroke survivor can be a scary prospect and big role... Read more

Auditory Processing Disorder

I am a Primary School teacher and I teach a boisterous year 2 class.  A parent has recently approached me and told me that their child has been diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder.  I am looking to find out what this is and how I... Read more

Talk Boost – Book your Training

Why Talk Boost?   Language delay can significantly impact on children’s attainment. Many of these children have the potential to catch up but only if they receive timely intervention. Talk Boost is a structured and robustly... Read more

Support – a child who stammers

“My 4 year old son has started stammering, I have referred him to the NHS speech and language therapist but there is a waiting list. What can I do to help my child’s stammering at home whilst we are waiting?" What is... Read more

First Speech Therapy appointment

What to expect from an initial speech and language therapy appointment? “My son has got his first speech therapy session on Monday, I was wondering if anyone could tell me a little bit about what to expect? I have got no idea what is... Read more