Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

Speech Development

Variations in Typical Speech Development “My son is 5 he can say ‘t’ on its own but when he says words such as ‘water’ he misses it out completely. Should I be worried?" All children are unique and therefore often do the... Read more

SALT Case Study

At Integrated Treatment Services (I.T.S) our aim is to provide an exceptional standard of service to meet the therapy needs of children, adolescents and adults with a variety of speech, language and communication needs.  As we always make... Read more

Educating Yorkshire

Educating Yorkshire show highlights difficulties faced by young people who stammer    Last week Channel 4’s Educating Yorkshire show highlighted the need to support young people who stammer in the classroom and through specialist... Read more

IPad Apps for Articulation

The world is evolving; children are beginning to use technology at a much earlier age. It is available at home, in the classroom and with the development of portable devices such as Ipads, Kindles and iPhones; children can access... Read more

Dementia Mealtime Issues

My dad has been suffering with Alzheimer’s disease for the last 3 years.  His memory has always been the biggest worry for us, however, the doctors are now worried he is losing weight and might not be eating properly.  The woman at the... Read more

SALT for a Lisp

Speech and Language Therapy for a Lisp   What is a Lisp? Many people associate a lisp with being when /s/ and /z/ are hard to say. A lisp is also known as a functional speech disorder. This is simply difficulty learning to make a... Read more

Stammering Awareness Day

International Stammering Awareness Day: Tuesday 22nd October   What is stammering? Stammering is "characterised by stoppages and disruptions in fluency which interrupt the smooth flow and timing of speech. These stoppages may take... Read more

Vocal Hygiene

Vocal Hygiene Over 40,000 new individuals present with a voice disorder each year. With professional voice users such as teachers and secretaries being two of the top ten occupations in which voice disorders are most likely to occur... Read more

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Dyspraxia Awareness Week: 13th-19th October   What is dyspraxia? Dyspraxia is generally recognized to be an impairment of the organisation of movement. This may include difficulties with Language Perception Thought Where... Read more

Every Child a Talker

As a speech and language therapist, I am often approached by parents who ask what they can do to support their child's speech, language and communication development. I have devised a list of techniques that are easy to implement at home... Read more