Supporting SEND pupils during the third lockdown
Who could have imagined that as they went on holiday in December, schools would be back in January trying to figure out what they were supposed to be doing? The requirement to open up testing centres in all schools with secondary... Read moreIn changing times, do you require a change in speech and language therapy provider in your school or college?
It's to be expected that given this global pandemic you might be looking to reevaluate your Speech and Language Therapy service model to ensure you have secured the most flexible solutions for your ever changing needs. With... Read moreAre there downsides to using behaviour management systems with children?
The effects of behaviour management systems on children’s social, emotional and mental health is a hot topic amongst parents right now. The use of sticker charts, colour-coded systems and rewards to influence children’s... Read moreLiving With Dementia
Understanding the different types of the disease.
Recognising the signs of dementia can be difficult – especially in the early stages. Dementia is an umbrella term which covers a range of different diseases.
Read moreThis Week is Action for Brain Injury Week (12 – 18th May)
The aim of Brain Injury Week is to raise awareness of how extraordinary but also how fragile our brains are. They can be severely damaged from the smallest knock.
Read moreDementia – everyone’s problem.
Dementia is fast becoming a hot topic in the media and the condition has already been labelled a national crisis by the Government.
Dementia is a progressive condition that strips sufferers of their short term memory so that they have difficulties in thinking and communicating.
Read moreAre You Living With Dementia?
“The progression has been slow, as if there’s been a memory thief in her head for the past seven years running through her mind.”
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