Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

Talk Tools – what is it?

Since April 2009 our speech and language therapists and occupational therapists have been undertaking training in Talk Tools.  We purchased the range of therapy equipment to support our therapists in offering this approach across... Read more

Benefits of visual timetables

It is crucial when children start back at school that they are familiar with their routine and environment. Anxiety can quickly arise if a child does not know what is happening next, this is particularly true of children on the Autistic... Read more

Pets as Therapy (PAT)

Most people love animals, but it is not always possible to have a pet due to financial, family or health issues. Older people in particular, may miss the company of a pet as failing health means they can no longer look after it.Research... Read more

Boyzone Keith Duffy – ASD

A video series on BBC News talks to people in the public eye who choose to speak about their personal experiences of a disease or condition. Keith Duffy, from Boyzone and Coronation Street talks about bringing up a child with... Read more

New approach listening skills

Children may be slow to develop speech and language skills for a variety of reasons, but often the inability to listen or pay attention to what is being said can have a profound effect on language development. Children with poor... Read more

Down Syndrome – Preventable?

An article in the New Scientist by Aria Pearson reports that one day it may be possible to prevent some of the symptoms of Down’s Syndrome before giving birth. Experiments in mice have raised the hope that some of the developmental... Read more

Baby Signing

Signing is becoming increasingly popular in order to enable babies/toddlers to communicate. This article explains why signing may be useful, some of the types of signing that are used and the effect of signing on speech. Why signing is... Read more

Social Stories

Social stories were oringially developed for use with people with Autism, in order to share information about social skills. However social stories can be used with a range of people to help them understand social... Read more

Autism Understanding Emotions

The team have recently been seeking resources to help our children and young people on the autism spectrum understand emotions. We have three successfu lfinds, that we think you should know about; Space Place A Lancashire... Read more

Colourful Semantics – Autism

Colourful semantics is proving very successful to our children who are on the autism spectrum. Our therapist’s have been using Colourful Semantic with a range of children at their homes and schools. We have been experiencing great... Read more