Speech & Language Therapy The Voice News

Colourful Semantics

Semantics can be defined as ‘the study of the meaning of words’, and explores the relationships between words and meaning. When we talk about semantics in speech & language therapy, we are thinking about language rather than... Read more

Debate on SLT for Children

Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists selected for parliamentary debate on the topic of speech & language service provision for children. In Parliament, the Westminster Hall Chamber sits adjacent to the House of Commons,... Read more

Foreign Accent Syndrome

The BBC reported this week on Kay Russell, an Englishwoman who woke up after a severe migraine and found herself speaking with a French accent (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/news/2010/09/100915_accent_syndrome_et_sl.shtml). This... Read more

The King’s Speech

Speech therapy comes to the movies! Soon-to-be-released British film ‘The King’s Speech’ focuses on George VI – also known as ‘Bertie’ – and his battle to overcome a severe stammer. An unlikely chain of events leads to... Read more

Educational Rights -Your Child

The process of finding out that their child requires extra educational support needs is often an emotionally difficult time for parents. Many report feelings of relief that their suspicions or concerns were well-founded. Others report... Read more

Frog In Your Throat?

Losing your voice can have a huge psychosocial impact. A recent news story highlights the plight of a single parent who lost her voice for 6 weeks after catching a cold, and needed speech therapy to bring it back:... Read more

Learning With LEGO

In 2008 The Times reported on the use of LEGO as a speech & language therapy tool for children with autism or social communication difficulties... Read more

Stammering and Speech Therapy

f you ask a person on the street what they know about speech problems or speech therapy, the first thing they will probably reply with is ‘stammering’ or ‘stuttering’. For a communication difficulty that is so well-known to the... Read more

Why Private Speech therapy?

At the moment in the UK, Speech and Language Therapy is available to adults and children on the NHS. This service is entirely free of charge.    The new coalition government has pledged to reduce the UK’s budget deficit, and... Read more

Who can benefit fromTalk Tools

As a team of speech and language therapists, we are experiencing some fantastic results for children and adults alike, using the Talk Tools hierarchy approaches. Many of the children have referred to our team, have experienced some... Read more