At Integrated Treatment Services (I.T.S) our aim is to provide an exceptional standard of service to meet the therapy needs of children, adolescents and adults with a variety of speech, language and communication needs. As we always make our clients the main focus, it is not surprising that we have a lot of happy customers who are busting to tell their stories of how I.T.S have supported them through difficult times and have together celebrated the successes.
Carole Bennett is one such lady who came to us very worried about her daughter Ruby.

“Ruby was 20 months old when I started to become worried about her speech. She had just started to babble a little but she was not using any words at all”
Carole’s GP had told her that some children start to talk later then others so not to worry. He did make a referral to speech and language therapy but said that it was likely to be many months before she was seen.
“I just felt that the longer it was left the harder it would be for Ruby to catch up and there was always that niggling worry that there was more to it and something was stopping her from talking. So I looked into private therapy and came across I.T.S.”
Carole contacted I.T.S who matched her with a local I.T.S therapist in Manchester, Laura Oldakowska.
“Laura instantly put my mind at ease explaining that this is a very common problem and that there was lots we could do to help Ruby. The following week she came round to meet us and assess Ruby.”
At assessment Laura found Ruby to be a very happy child whose understanding of language was good but that she was not yet using any speech to communicate. After a talk with Carole they decided a short block of therapy would work best to help give Ruby’s speech and kick-start. I planned to work with both Carole and Ruby so that I could demonstrate some games and activities that they could play together that encourage speech development along with giving Carole some tips to encourage Ruby’s speech.
“I really enjoyed the sessions, it was great to spend some quality time with Ruby whilst also learning a lot from Laura. I learnt to be more relaxed and have fun with Ruby; before I would constantly say words and show Ruby pictures anxiously asking her to try and repeat them. But now I understand I need to relax and have fun and Ruby is responding so well to this already! She loves it when I sing songs in funny voices and recently she said her first word after Laura showed me a technique in missing a word out of a song. It was a brilliant feeling”.
I.T.S is a private Speech and Language Therapy service based in Leicestershire but working throughout England and Northern Ireland. I.T.S specialises in providing highly-skilled Speech and Language Therapy, but also associates with other therapeutic professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Arts Psychotherapists. If you think I.T.S could help you or a loved one we are happy to speak with you over the telephone on: 0845 838 2921 or by email on: and listen to your concerns and talk about the possible options in how we can best support you.
Laura Oldakowska
Speech and Language Therapist
November 2013
© Image Credit: CathyK – CC Licensed * Client’s names protected.