Policies and Press Summaries The Voice News

1in14 children unable to speak

The Times online reported on the 30th June 2009 that 1 in 14 children were unable to speak properly, therefore secondary aged children went on to present emotional, behavioural and social difficulties, which hindered their achievements in... Read more

Urinary Testing for Autism

The Autism Research Unit is based at the Department of Pharmacy, Health & Well-being at the University of Sunderland. Theirprimary research aims include: Analysis of biological entities that could provide insight into any... Read more

The Reading Clinic re-opens

The City University Reading Clinic will re-open at the beginning of October 2009. It provides assessment and therapy services for people with reading difficulties as a result of cognitive and language difficulties following a stroke or... Read more

Autism guide – Airport Travel

An information guide to help children with autism who are travelling with adults, has been produced by Manchester Airport.   Airport press offier Katy Gough created the guide after several requests by carers for pictures to help children... Read more

Autism Gene

Recent research has found that tiny changes in a common gene have a stong impact on the likelihood of developing autism and related conditions. The changes in the genes affect the way connections between brain cells are formed and... Read more


Simon Baron-Cohen, a psychologist and Director of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge, together with a team of researchers, has been given a grant from the Uk government to produce a DVD to help children with autism recognise facial... Read more

Speech therapy -Cerebral palsy

SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY CAN HELP CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY Phil Neville, the captain of Everton Football Club, has spoken about his daughter Isabella’s cerebral palsy. When Isabella was born five years ago she was 10 weeks... Read more

Speech therapy – stammerers

HOW A SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY SUPPORT GROUP HELPS STAMMERERS All too often, the acquisition of speech is taken for granted and most people do not consider how conversation enriches our lives, whether it is chatting with friends,... Read more

Mozart helps Autism

Karen O’Connor, a Speech and Language Therapist in Dublin, has set up a clinic in the city to provide music therapy to people with autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) along with... Read more

Services to adults with ASD

Last year the National Autistic Society published research that found that two thirds of councils did not know how many children with autism were resident in their area and only two knew the number of adults.   Cheryl Gillan, a... Read more