What Our Parents Think
Recently we developed a questionnaire looking for parent and client feedback about what they have found useful from our service and if they had any comments for the future. We hope that this information will be useful for prospective parents or carers as it may give them an insight into how we work here at Integrated Treatment Services (I.T.S.), and what they can expect to receive from our services.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents who provided the following information. Their son is currently accessing Arts Therapies with Emily Breden, HCPC Registered Dramatherapist.
1. Which ITS services have you and your child accessed? (e.g. speech & language, occupational therapy, art therapies etc) Can you tell us a little bit about why you wanted to access support?
Arts Therapies (with Emily Breden).
2. How did you find out about ITS?
Via rehab services.
3. How has the therapist shown that they have understood your unique needs?
Emily talks before and after sessions, has asked us what we hope to achieve and regularly reviews sessions.
4. In what way has ITS best helped you and your family?
It gives our son alternative ways to express himself, he looks forward to sessions and is always laughing during sessions.
5. What was particularly good about the service you received, and were there any approaches used which you have been really impressed with?
Emily has taken the time to see what our son likes and dislikes. She has also let him lead some of the sessions making decisions for himself which we hope he will do in everyday situations.
6. Would you recommend ITS to other parents, and what would you say about ITS?
Yes, he thoroughly enjoys his sessions and is definitely more expressive in his communication.
7. Have ITS therapists signposted any services for you and helped you in accessing the correct support? Can you give any examples of this?
Not yet as it’s early days, however I am confident that Emily will discuss these if felt appropriate.
ITS. are always keen to hear how our parents and clients feel about our services and would welcome feedback of any kind. If you have any comments, suggestions or success stories that you’d like to share following your experiences with I.T.S., please feel free to forward them onto sarah.bennington@integratedtreatments.co.uk
We look forward to hearing from you!
Sarah Bennington April 2011
Written on behalf of Integrated Treatment Services. ITS is a private Speech and Language Therapy service based in Leicestershire and the East Midlands. It specialises in providing highly-skilled Speech and Language Therapists, but also associates with other therapeutic professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Arts Therapists.