Autism – the hidden disability

Speech, language and communication difficulties can be seen as a hidden disability and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition which can be difficult for others to understand because of this. The things that most of us take for... Read more

A Night That Changed Everything

As a Speech and Language therapist I have seen how a stroke can effect a person's ability to communicate and the impact it can have on a person's life. But stroke isn't something that just effects older people – as this story shows it... Read more

A Call for More Support for People With Autism

The National Autistic Society has called on the Government to recognise the social care needs of people with autism as it revamps its care system. The society is highlighting the high numbers of adults with autism who say they're simply... Read more

Teachers boost children’s communication abilities with a special intervention programme.

On the website of the communication charity I CAN Tarnia Townshend, deputy headteacher of Bidbury Infant School in Hampshire, reveals how her school has seen positive results thorough using Talk Boost.

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June is MND Awareness Month.

Motor Neurone Disease Awareness Month takes place each June and its purpose is to help raise awareness of this disease

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Time for change? – Help ease the worry of the move up to secondary school for your child with special educational needs

Now is the time that children in their final year of primary school will be thinking about the move up to secondary school. As they return from their half term holiday it is probably dawning on them that big changes lie ahead.

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The SEND reforms – how will they affect you?

The new SEND reforms will be implemented from September 2014 and will be the most significant change to supporting children and young people with SEND for over a decade. What has changed since the 2001 Code of Practice? The Code of... Read more

How does Dementia Affect Communication?

When a person close to you begins to have trouble in communicating their thoughts and feelings as they used to do it can be a very difficult experience, not only for the person with dementia, but also for you as a family member or carer.

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A Chance to Learn More About Autism

Adults and children can listen to first hand experiences of life with autism and gain access to the largest assembly of autism specialist information, advice and resources in one place this June.

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Understanding Stanley

The mum of an autistic child is on a mission to provide a unique and powerful visual insight into life on the autism spectrum.
Understanding Stanley is a new photo book that shows how living a life on the autism spectrum really is different

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