Read On. Get On.

Let's get every child in the UK reading well – this is the message from a group of organisations and businesses. Read On. Get On. is a national campaign to get all our children reading well by the age of 11. At the moment far too many... Read more

New School Year, New Primary Curriculum

This September a new curriculum is being introduced for primary schools. Whilst some schools will have been working towards introducing the new curriculum throughout the last year, this September will see full implementation in primary... Read more

New School Year, New Primary Curriculum

This September a new curriculum is being introduced for primary schools. Whilst some schools will have been working towards introducing the new curriculum throughout the last year, this September will see full implementation in primary... Read more

Ataxia and its Impact on Speech and Language

Ataxia is a condition that few people know much about. But it is a condition that has a range of symptoms including speech and language difficulties. The BBC reports on a story of how the condition effects every day life. A stranger put... Read more

Asperger’s Syndrome and Seeing the World in a Different Way

Some people see the condition Asperger's syndrome as a disability or a difficulty but there is another view. People with the condition have shown that their different view of the world or their different way in thinking means they have... Read more

Getting the Right Care Package

Getting the right care package can be so important – not only for the child or adult being cared for but for the family too. It can make all the difference to the well-being of the person being cared for and their family, which in turn... Read more

Hearing and Cochlear Implants

The Share Your Stories Project, a new initiative of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), seeks and shares human interest stories on communication difficulties. The story “Fulfilled By Helping People Like Elio Betty -... Read more

How do Babies Learn to Speak?

As a speech and language therapist I appreciate all the different processes that are needed to be able to produce speech. It's not always straightforward therefore I'm not surprised that it's now understood that babies are practising how... Read more

An Ordinary Life

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities launched a project aimed at improving the quality of life of children with complex health needs and/or dependent on medical technology. It ran from 2011 - 2014 and was funded through the... Read more

Specific Language Impairment – life as an adult

As a Speech and Language Therapist I have worked with young children who have had Specific Language Impairment (SLI). I have seen how they have worked hard to overcome their barriers to successful communication. But do they manage to... Read more