SEND update & OFSTED Framework

ITS SEND & Ofsted Framework Read more

Executive Function and Language: Examining the Link from Current Research on EF disorders in Children and it’s Relevance in Speech and Language Therapy

Introduction In the last two decades, executive function (EF) has piqued the interest of several researchers in the field of education, psychology, and language learning and development. This relatively new area of research has... Read more

A little girl with Down’s Syndrome

A little girl with Down's Syndrome Speech and language therapists often work with children and adults who have complex medical conditions. As a speech and language therapist its important to take into account all aspects of a person's... Read more

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Talking Point is a resource for parents and professionals with information about communication, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Communication difficulties may... Read more

New School Year, New Primary Curriculum

This September a new curriculum is being introduced for primary schools. Whilst some schools will have been working towards introducing the new curriculum throughout the last year, this September will see full implementation in primary... Read more

Can a Dummy Affect Your Child’s Speech Development?

They may a parent's answer to a crying child but a dummy or pacifier could be affecting your child's speech development and causing health problems. A child using a dummy, regularly, beyond the age of 12 months could be more likely to... Read more

Working Together as a Team

Working as a team usually has its benefits in any situation. It's especially important when working with children who have complex speech, language and communication needs. These children often have therapy from several different... Read more

Iris Grace – Language Through Painting

Expression can sometimes be difficult for people with autism. Children can be delayed in acquiring language and so struggle to show what they are thinking and feeling. Speech and language therapists are key in helping these children to... Read more

SENCo’s queue to get free help with Speech and Language Issues

Integrated Treatment Services see scores of SENCo's booking onto 'hubs' to make provisions for 10% of students with SLCN as reformations loom and NHS remains controversial. With the summer holidays already being a distant memory to most... Read more

The Local Offer, the SEN Information Report and the School SEND Policy.

The new SEND Code of Practice refers to a number of documents that have to be produced and made available from September 2014. The Local Offer must be published by each local authority. It sets out in one place information... Read more