What do I need to do to get my child ready for school following the Covid-19 pandemic?

Many parents/carers are starting to evaluate the effects of the pandemic on their pre-schoolers.  With the lack of preschool/nursery experience setting them up for the school, this is turning into one of the largest concerns for... Read more

Where has all the “catch-up funding gone?”

As everyone was enjoying their half-term break the government announced a further £1.4bn to support COVID recovery in schools this which breaks down to £50 extra per pupil per year. The majority of this additional funding is to be spent... Read more

Catch-up for children with SEND – what will this look like going forward?

As we approach the milestone of one year since the country went into its first lock-down due to the global pandemic I thought it would be useful to consider what this has meant for pupils with special educational needs and... Read more

Supporting SEND pupils during the third lockdown

Who could have imagined that as they went on holiday in December, schools would be back in January trying to figure out what they were supposed to be doing?  The requirement to open up testing centres in all schools with secondary... Read more

In changing times, do you require a change in speech and language therapy provider in your school or college?

It's to be expected that given this global pandemic you might be looking to reevaluate your Speech and Language Therapy service model to ensure you have secured the most flexible solutions for your ever changing needs. With... Read more

Are there downsides to using behaviour management systems with children?

The effects of behaviour management systems on children’s social, emotional and mental health is a hot topic amongst parents right now.  The use of sticker charts, colour-coded systems and rewards to influence children’s... Read more

Colourful Semantics Training Course

To view when our next training courses are please visit our Eventbrite page here ... Follow the link above to book your... Read more

Graduation around the corner: A list of things I wish I had known when I was starting out

The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, there’s the smell of grass as people are out mowing their lawns, the days are lasting longer, the sun is beginning to shine and Easter is behind us. It’s May and soon many trainee speech... Read more

January 2017 SENDCo Update

There were a number of announcements made during December – as usual, on the countdown to a holiday. Early years funding: changes to funding for 3- and 4-year-olds On the 12th December the DfE published their response to the... Read more

We are recruiting….

We are currently looking for new team members in several areas of the UK. Do send us your CV or email us for more information on how working for ITS could be the opportunity you have been looking... Read more