At the beginning of the month, the Daily Mail reported on the story of Mark Wilson, from Somerset, and his success with an iPhone speech and language app. You can read the article here:–thanks-7-49-iphone-APP.html

Mr Wilson, 53, developed a stammer two years previously, and was subsequently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. The stammer’s onset affected his confidence considerably when talking: “I had been finding that I didn’t want to go out because I didn’t want to embarrass myself or be in a setting where I couldn’t get my words out.” He was particularly concerned when his daughter announced that she would be getting married, as he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to deliver his father of the bride address at her reception.

Mr Wilson was referred for speech and language therapy. His therapist, Mike Richards, searched for Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) devices online. He found the £7.49 app, trialled it with Mr Wilson, and found that it was immediately successful.

The app works in conjunction with a Bluetooth device (approximately £30) that Mr Wilson wears on his ear. This relays what he is saying, but with a delay of a few milliseconds. This delay tricks the brain into thinking it is speaking in unison with the machine. As a result, Mr Wilson speaks with no stammer. Many people have noted that this device is a like a high-tech version of the gramophone used to help George VI with his stammer in the film, ‘The King’s Speech’. Although it does not work for all stammers, it is estimated that around a third of the stammering population can benefit from such devices.

Mr Wilson is delighted with the device’s success and is now completely un-phased by the idea of making a speech at his daughter’s wedding reception. He also uses the device to talk to his family and friends over the phone. Both he and his family members had noticed that talking over the phone was becoming stressful or him, and he relied on his wife to talk for him.

If you, a friend or family member has a stammer, Integrated Treatment Services could be of help. Contact us here:

Sarah Bennington June 2011

Written on behalf of Integrated Treatment Services. Integrated Treatment Services is a private Speech and Language Therapy service based in Leicestershire and the East Midlands. It specialises in providing highly-skilled Speech and Language Therapists, but also associates with other therapeutic professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Arts Therapists.

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