Arts Therapy The Voice News

Narrative in Play Therapy

When we think of Play Therapy it is most likely that the first elements which come to mind are Story Making, Story Telling and ‘playing through’ dilemmas to achieve resolution.  We might think of a highly active therapy session... Read more

Stroke – what happens…

A stroke involves the loss of brain function due to a disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. You may also hear it being referred to as a CVA (cerebrovascular accident) or TIA (transient ischemic attack), which is a mini stroke where... Read more

International Service of I.T.S

Are you in UAE, or Saudi Arabia or any other Middle East country? We can support you in any of these countries using our innovative online therapy services.  We can also provide direct assessment and therapy within Dubai. Have... Read more

Therapy in North Essex

Integrated Treatment Services offers a wide range of services including Speech and Language Therapy for both children and adults. Our team provides therapy right across the south of the country. We have local therapists covering... Read more

Dementia & the Power of Music

Dementia has been in the headlines recently. Documentary-maker Louis Theroux has created a new documentary with the BBC, spending time with people with dementia and their families. You can watch his documentary here:... Read more

Music and Literacy

This week's article highlights the need for a personalised therapy approach for individuals with communication difficulties, and the important role that associated therapies such as Arts Therapies can play in promoting confidence with... Read more

Singing and Language in CET

A few weeks ago, Sarah Bennington’s article which cited The Guardian’s report of ‘The Genius of Natural Childhood' by Sally Goddard Blythe, stressed the importance that singing and music can have on the developmental process. Song... Read more

CET -Questions and answers

Everything you always wanted to know but were too afraid to ask!   Although I.T.S. works primarily with Speech & Language Therapists, there are a number of associated services available to clients too. These include Creative... Read more

Therapy – do we need it?

As babies grow, developmental milestones are monitored through their infancy – sitting up, crawling and walking  are the most noticeable and often memorable milestones for parents. Health professionals use these milestones as a... Read more

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is based on the principle that music is an interactive, non-verbal means of expression, and that everyone has the capacity to respond to sound regardless of illness or disability. It provides a safe and supportive environment... Read more