What every Inclusion Lead/Director of SEND should know this Spring?

Read the very latest summary on DfE and Ofsted agenda’s In this more difficult SEN climate where MATs are having to provide services that were once available from the LA including Speech and Language Therapy, these are the questions... Read more

Help! I have a Y7 Needing an EHCP

As someone working in middle and secondary schools, I was by no means the first person to have come across a child yet I was often the first one to do anything about getting an EHCP. Does this sound familiar? It certainly was to me and... Read more

Who Should Be On My SEND Register?

Sounds like a simple question doesn’t it? To be on the SEND register, a student should have SEND. In practice however, things are not always this black and white. As a SENCO, you need to manage a range of (often competing) demands... Read more

Wellbeing for Educators

Wellbeing…Sometimes seen as the current buzzword or tokenistic however I believe this comes from it being “done” as a tickbox exercise. Having worked in a leadership role where wellbeing was my core responsibility, it is so much... Read more

Moving On Up: Supporting SEND Y6-7 Transition

Supporting SEND school transition. Moving from primary school to secondary is something that (nearly) all of us experience. I say ‘nearly’ because I live in Bedfordshire and we have lower, middle and upper schools so I changed school... Read more

The “Ten Minute Template”

How to Streamline your EHCP requests. “I’ve spent two whole days on this”“It’s taken me hours to collate all the evidence and format it into the Local Authority’s form”“I have to wait until I’ve got two terms of... Read more

Welcome Back! SENCO Support for the next academic year

The first month of the new academic year is over and SENCOs across the country will have been getting to grips with all of the SEND challenges that they will face over the next twelve months. Whether you are new to role or an... Read more

SEND Review: Right support: Right place: Right time

Click on the link below to read the article on Lorraine Petersen's... Read more

How can I improve my child’s speech sounds with home schooling?

Ten top tips to improve your child’s speech at home:- Make a list of the sounds your child is confusing  eg they say ‘tea’ for 'sea’ so 's' is confused.  They say ‘Jojjy’ for ‘lolly’ so 'l' is confused.Make sure they... Read more

How do schools get their pupils back into school?

When will the Schools White Paper, SEND Green Paper and Independent Reviews of Children’s Social Care be published? It has been a very challenging and difficult two years and schools have continuously provided education for their... Read more