It is essential you have adequate supervision to develop professionally and personally and to continue expanding your clinical skills. ITS is committed to providing the support from our management team to ensure therapists engage in continuos professional development.
There is an expectation from ITS that each therapist will commit their time to engage in the mentoring processes. Mentoring refers to the administration support you will receive. This relates to managing your caseload, reflecting on administrative processes, submitting your client invoices, your time sheets, booking appointments and so fourth.
This will take place on a monthly basis and more often where required. The ITS Area Manager will carry this out.
Clinical Supervision refers to the clinical support you will receive. This relates to managing your clients needs, talking through clinical approaches, debriefing about clinical experiences, planning for clients therapy, liaising with clients and settings and so forth. Clinical Supervision will be on hand on a weekly basis and a bi monthly team meeting will take place. You will benefit from a 1:1 PDP session each month with your mentor. A named Speech and Language Therapist, who will remain your consistent mentor, will carry this out.
ITS offer monthly Specialist Mentoring sessions. ITS select specialists in a range of clinical areas and pay them for their time. The mentors can answer case specific questions and carry out training exercises.
ITS organise local and regional training sessions and fund or part fund training courses for our therapists.