Speech & Language – Rachel Harrison The Voice ITS Bloggers

International Stammering Awareness Day

This October raises awareness of stammering and stuttering. National Awareness days.com is helping to inform that stammering is about more than just struggling to say what you need to say. International Stammering Awareness day brings... Read more

Stammering Like Me

The British Stammering Association has published an article to help people understand what it's like to have a stammer. “How would Beverley Vincent describe to a fluent person her world as someone with a covert stammer? “Ok, so... Read more

World Alzheimers Month

The fourth World Alzheimer's Month will take place this month with awareness raising events taking place worldwide. The theme this year is 'Remember Me'. National Awarensss Days.com is letting people know about the special... Read more

Learning your Child has Down’s Syndrome

The Daily Mail reports on a story about a mum of twins – one of which has Down's Syndrome - who has launched a scheme to help support his language development. The Down's Syndrome Association says that all children with Down’s syndrome... Read more

International Literacy Day – 8th September 2015

International Literacy Day is taking place this year on September 8. National-awareness-days.com is raising awareness that 1 in 5: that's 776 million adults worldwide that can't write their own name or read a line from a book. A basic... Read more

Young adults with autism are successfully taught social interaction skills

For some young adults with autism their biggest difficulties are with social communication. This includes interpreting behaviours such as body language, facial expression and conversational.. Communication exchanges with a whole range... Read more

Empathy and its Part in Communication

Kindness and compassion came before intelligence and may have helped early humans develop reasoning skills and speech - according to researchers. Empathy and compassion are important in being able to communicate in the modern world... Read more

Action for Brain Injury Week – 18-24 May 2015

Action for Brain Injury Week is about encouraging people to learn more about brain injury and National Awareness Days .com explains how such an injury can affect a person..... Brains are fragile and can be severely damaged from the... Read more

Dementia Awareness

The Daily Mail has recently carried an an article by Dr Keith Souter about why dementia gets worse when the sun goes down - and what anxious carers can do to make things better. Speech and Language Therapists also have a part to play in... Read more

Mulitple Sclerosis Awareness week

Raising Awareness of Multiple Sclerosis MS Awareness Week is about encouraging people to learn more about multiple sclerosis. So what is it exactly? National Awareness Days .com explains what the condition is....... In short: a... Read more