ITS Bloggers The Voice

Theory of Different Minds

One of my (often irritating for those around me) characteristics is, I want to understand anything and everything I encounter in my life. Sometimes it took just a few minutes or a couple of hours to find the explanation to whatever it was... Read more

World Alzheimers Month

The fourth World Alzheimer's Month will take place this month with awareness raising events taking place worldwide. The theme this year is 'Remember Me'. National Awarensss is letting people know about the special... Read more

Learning your Child has Down’s Syndrome

The Daily Mail reports on a story about a mum of twins – one of which has Down's Syndrome - who has launched a scheme to help support his language development. The Down's Syndrome Association says that all children with Down’s syndrome... Read more

The Ability to Hypersense

Let us look at hypersensitivity & Sensory Intolerance from a different perspective. I have no statistics based on research but I strongly believe that more than 95-97% of the population can be regarded as dysfunctional in their... Read more

It is not as simple as ABC

There is a very popular ABC (Antecedent – Behaviour – Consequence) approach when the carer is supposed to find the trigger (Antecedent), define the Behaviour and provide the Consequence for this (often called inappropriate) behaviour... Read more

International Literacy Day – 8th September 2015

International Literacy Day is taking place this year on September 8. is raising awareness that 1 in 5: that's 776 million adults worldwide that can't write their own name or read a line from a book. A basic... Read more

Young adults with autism are successfully taught social interaction skills

For some young adults with autism their biggest difficulties are with social communication. This includes interpreting behaviours such as body language, facial expression and conversational.. Communication exchanges with a whole range... Read more

Empathy and its Part in Communication

Kindness and compassion came before intelligence and may have helped early humans develop reasoning skills and speech - according to researchers. Empathy and compassion are important in being able to communicate in the modern world... Read more

Executive Function and Language: Examining the Link from Current Research on EF disorders in Children and it’s Relevance in Speech and Language Therapy

Introduction In the last two decades, executive function (EF) has piqued the interest of several researchers in the field of education, psychology, and language learning and development. This relatively new area of research has... Read more

Sensory Intolerance in Autism

Hypersensitivity can often lead to disturbance by certain sensory stimuli – sensory intolerance. These experiences are very individual. The kinds of stimuli that are disturbing vary from person to person. All senses can be affected.... Read more