ITS Bloggers The Voice

Focusing on Asperger Syndrome

The main difference between Autism and Asperger syndrome is that people with Asperger syndrome will typically have no language delay, whereas someone with Autism will show difficulties in acquiring speech. Asperger’s includes the three main areas of difficulty – social communication, social interaction and rigid and repetitive behaviour but unlike Autism people with Asperger’s will have average cognitive ability.

Asperger syndrome is a lifelong condition that affects how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people (The National Autistic Society).

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What is Autism ?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability and is usually, although not always, diagnosed in early childhood. It is a spectrum disorder which means that people are affected in different ways and to different degrees.

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Could tickling your baby help them to learn to speak?

It has been reported in the press that researchers have discovered that by tickling your baby it could actually help them learn to talk.

The research has come from Purdue University and found that parents who tickle their child while talking to them actually helps them identify words in the continuous stream of speech.

The Purdue team say a baby’s sense of touch is far more closely linked to their language development than previously though

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“Cranky Old Man”, The use of Poetry for Communication with Non-Verbal Adults

“Cranky Old Man” Is an anonymous poem which reveals the frustrations of an elderly man no longer able to reach out to those around him through speech. When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in an Australian... Read more

A Father’s Confessional Letter to his Daughter with Down Syndrome

When Heath White discovered his baby would have Down syndrome he wanted his wife to have an abortion.  But, after she was born his little girl not only changed his life but his way of thinking.  Heath tells his story on in a... Read more