ITS Bloggers The Voice

Evidence Based Practice in Speech and Language Therapy: A Scientific Approach to Clinical Practice

In order to meet HCPC standards of proficiency, Speech and Language Therapists are expected ‘to engage in evidence-based practice, evaluate practice systematically and participate in audit procedures as well as evaluate research and... Read more

‘Gestalt Perception’ in Autism: Superability or Deficit?

Autistic children seem to be unable to filter the incoming information and tend to perceive all the stimuli around them. Such ‘acute-perception’ brings overwhelming information the brain cannot cope with. As there is too much... Read more

The Local Offer, the SEN Information Report and the School SEND Policy.

The new SEND Code of Practice refers to a number of documents that have to be produced and made available from September 2014. The Local Offer must be published by each local authority. It sets out in one place information... Read more

Sensory Hyper- and Hyposensitivity in Autism

Some of the most common problems autistic individuals experience are their hyper- or hypo-sensitivities to sensory stimuli. Their senses seem to be too acute (hypersensitivity) or not working at all... Read more

What is Stammering?

Sometimes when a young child starts to stammer for the first time we think we, as a parent, must have done something to cause it, or that it's something that will be with them for the rest of their life. But, in fact, periods of stammering... Read more

The Stammer School

Watching someone with a severe stammer can be difficult mainly because there is little you can do to help. But actually having a severe stammer can be overwhelming for that person – in all areas of their life. For over half a million... Read more

Dyspraxia and Reading and Writing

The Dyspraxia Foundation says there may be a range of co-occurring difficulties with dyspraxia which can include articulation and speech, perception and thought. There can also be difficulties with reading, spelling and writing. Reading... Read more


The Dyspraxia Foundation has lots of information on its website which helps to explain the condition. What is Dyspraxia? The Dyspraxia Foundation explains........ Dyspraxia, a form of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a common... Read more

Are you Struggling with Hearing Loss?

Are you having trouble communicating with friends or family? Are you finding it increasingly difficult to communicate in a noisy workplace? If you are deaf or have a hearing loss Action on Hearing Loss offers help to communicate better... Read more

Hearing Loss

Action on Hearing Loss is campaigning for a world where hearing loss doesn’t limit or label people, where tinnitus is silenced – and where people value and look after their hearing. The website offers lots of information about deafness... Read more