ITS Bloggers The Voice

Talking to Your Baby Creates the Foundations for Learning

Talking to Your Baby Creates the Foundations for Learning As speech and language therapists we know that talking to your baby helps the youngster to learn language skills. But there is evidence that shows that babies who hear more speech... Read more

Communication is vital

Talking Point offers information and advice about children's communication. According to Talking Point speech, language and communication play a vital role in our lives. Without being able to talk to, and understand other people we... Read more

What is SLCN?

Talking Point offers information and advice about children's communication. According to Talking Point over one million children in the UK have some kind of speech language and communication need. This is known as SLCN for short.... Read more

International Mother Language Day

National Awareness Days is highlighting the sixteenth International Mother Language Day which takes place on 21 February this year. The National Awareness Days website says that the day was established in 1999 by the United Nations... Read more

What is a Language-Based Learning Disability?

The American Speech-language and Hearing Association has information on a range of speech and language disorders that can have an impact on a person's communication. Language-based learning disabilities are problems with age-appropriate... Read more

What is selective mutism?

The American Speech-language and Hearing Association has information on a range of speech and language disorders that can have an impact on a person's communication. Selective mutism (formerly known as elective mutism) usually happens... Read more

What Treatments are Available for People with a Language-based Learning Disability?

The American Speech-language and Hearing Association has information about how Language-based learning disabilities can be treated. The goals of speech and language treatment for the child with a reading problem target the specific... Read more

An autistic boy’s best friend

Autism is a developmental disability that affects a child's ability to understand the world around them. This can also mean that they find it difficult to form bonds and friendships with people, even those who are close to them such as... Read more

Boys are more likely to have speech and language difficulties compared to girls

As a speech and language therapist I have worked with many more boys than girls. This is no accident as a typical case load will consist of twice as many boys than girls. Research is still being carried into the reasons for this... Read more

Fragmented World of Autism: Perception in “Bits”

Autism is often thought of as a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. This is reflected in logos of many Autism Societies - an autistic child as a piece of a jigsaw we cannot assemble yet as some pieces are missing and others are... Read more