ITS Bloggers The Voice

A Poem for Autism Awareness

Autism can be a condition that is difficult to understand but it's not just the child or the adult with the condition that has to deal with its consequenses but also the parent or carers. Here is a letter that describes the feelings... Read more

Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is an organisation that helps provide information and advice for families and carers of children, as well as adults, with the... Read more

Scotopic Sensitivity / Irlen Syndrome (SS/IS) and Autism

In 1983, perceptual problems caused by light sensitivity were identified by Helen Irlen, an educational psychologist, who worked with adults with dyslexia. She discovered that a visual perceptual dysfunction, unrelated to visual skills... Read more

Talking Point: Young People and Communication

Talking Point is a resource that provides information on children's communication including young people and the skills they need to progress in life. A lot of children have difficulty with speech, language and communication. About 1 in... Read more

Parkinson’s Awareness Week

National is helping to raise awareness of Parkinson's Awareness Week. Parkinson's is a the disease that affects people slowly and gets worse progressively. And it's all down to a lack of dopamine. So what is dopamine? It's... Read more

Deafness and Sign Language

Speech and language therapists work with many different client groups which includes deafness. While much can be done using technology to aid people's hearing many people chose to use sign language to help them communicate. While some... Read more

International Children’s Book Day

National Awareness is raising awareness of the day on its website. International Children's Book Day is celebrated every 2 April, inspiring children to pick up a book and get reading. April the 2nd was chosen to mark this day... Read more

Deafness in Children

Speech and language therapists work with many different client groups which includes deafness. While much can be done using technology to aid children's hearing many children still need speech and language therapy to enable them to reach... Read more

Talking Point: Young people and communication skills

Talking Point is a resource that provides information on children's communication including young people and the skills they need to progress in life. Talking Point says that communication is a vital skill that all young people need to... Read more

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in Children and Youth with High-Functioning Autism: Implementing an Evidence-Based Psychosocial Intervention

Recent figures suggest that approximately 1% of the population in the United Kingdom has an autism spectrum condition (Baird et al., 2006; Brugha et al., 2011). The co-occurrence of anxiety issues has been well established in individuals... Read more