Exploring the World of Autism – Olga Bogdashina The Voice ITS Bloggers

Mono-processing: One Sense at a Time

According to the number of senses working at a time the person can be classified into ‘multi-track’ versus mono-processing (Williams 1996). Most people use their senses simultaneously, so when they are hearing something, they are still... Read more

Theory of Different Minds

One of my (often irritating for those around me) characteristics is, I want to understand anything and everything I encounter in my life. Sometimes it took just a few minutes or a couple of hours to find the explanation to whatever it was... Read more

The Ability to Hypersense

Let us look at hypersensitivity & Sensory Intolerance from a different perspective. I have no statistics based on research but I strongly believe that more than 95-97% of the population can be regarded as dysfunctional in their... Read more

It is not as simple as ABC

There is a very popular ABC (Antecedent – Behaviour – Consequence) approach when the carer is supposed to find the trigger (Antecedent), define the Behaviour and provide the Consequence for this (often called inappropriate) behaviour... Read more

Sensory Intolerance in Autism

Hypersensitivity can often lead to disturbance by certain sensory stimuli – sensory intolerance. These experiences are very individual. The kinds of stimuli that are disturbing vary from person to person. All senses can be affected.... Read more

Delayed Processing in Autism

Delayed processing in autism As a consequence of a fragmented perception autistic children may experience delayed response to sensory stimuli, for example, you say something to your child, and there is no response as if the child... Read more

Scotopic Sensitivity / Irlen Syndrome (SS/IS) and Autism

In 1983, perceptual problems caused by light sensitivity were identified by Helen Irlen, an educational psychologist, who worked with adults with dyslexia. She discovered that a visual perceptual dysfunction, unrelated to visual skills... Read more

Prosopagnosia (“Face Blindness”) in Autism

Prosopagnosia (“Face Blindness”) in Autism There is another condition that, though not specific to autism, appears to be quite common in autistic population. This neurological disorder is called prosopagnosia, or face blindness.... Read more

Autism – Sensations last too long!

Autism: Sensations last too long A very interesting phenomenon in autism is, sensation lasts too long. Non-autistics ‘forget’ the sensation very quickly. For example, when you get dressed in the morning you can feel your clothes on... Read more

Fragmented World of Autism: Perception in “Bits”

Autism is often thought of as a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. This is reflected in logos of many Autism Societies - an autistic child as a piece of a jigsaw we cannot assemble yet as some pieces are missing and others are... Read more