During this period of lockdown Integrated Treatment Services has been able to readily support all of our education and care settings across the UK, with uninterrupted therapy services.
We have also been able to support new families both adults and children who now require speech and language therapy online in their homes.
Online therapy/remote working model for schools:
- Communication passport being shared and help parent/carers to understand it
- Sharing short video tutorials for parent/carers on communication methods being used – eg PECS, Visual timetable, Objects of reference, signing, choice boards
- Supporting parent/carers on managing positive behaviour in young people to keep young people safe
- Sharing advice sheets with parents / carers on the above
- Phone call or video call support to parent carers to understand pressing concerns regarding communication methods at home and / or behaviour needs of the young person and to devise support to address immediate concerns
- Providing home learning materials to parents /carer to support the EHC learning needs to help them maintain and progress where possible skills.
- Supporting teaching staff to work with the communication needs of the young person in a stressful and unfamiliar routine at school/college
- To establish new temporary routines with a mixed cohort of young people
- To train up onsite staff in communication needs present for the cohort on site
- To focus on up skilling of teaching staff whilst they have non contact time from home – using remote access models – slide share training sessions, small interactive online training sessions with therapist of key training areas. Sharing of videos and materials to teach staff in key areas of SLT that can be implemented when returning face to face.
- To work on lesson planning and differentiation with teaching staff working remotely to prepare lesson for their return to face to face working
- To co ordinate resource making across teaching staff, utilising essential time whilst they work from home
- To provide problem solving support
- To provide more informal and personalised student discussion groups with TAs /Teachers to support up skilling and session preparations.
- We also have the ability to work directly (but indirectly with staff and students either in setting and/or parents/carers at home) through online interactive therapy for those students who could access.
- Home based learning materials and apps, which young people could access directly alongside adult support.
- Screen sharing can enable the student to access the therapy activities on their own ipad or PC whilst the therapists works in a 1;1 session with them
- Small group work can also be achieved online.
- Our therapists can use a remote assessment tools to evaluate students key communication needs, by collating the baseline information from familiar teaching staff and parent/carers. This will enable target setting and communication profiling to continue despite students being home based.
- Those students onsite yet to be assessed could be taken through an assessment baseline in order to set up targets and a communication profile. Many of our formal and informal assessments can e delivered online with the student sat alongside a familiar adult.
Online therapy for children:
- Our therapists can use a remote assessment tools to evaluate children’s communication needs, by collating the baseline information from familiar teaching staff and parent/carers. This will enable target setting and communication profiling to continue despite children being home based.
- Informal and formal assessments can be delivered online with the child sat alongside a familiar adult.
- Video footage can be collated by parent/carers and viewed by the therapist to gain a full and accurate picture of the areas of concern for the child.
- Should you not want the child to work directly online In assessment the therapist can work solely with the parent/carers through the use of video footage and take a parent child interaction approach to assessment, which means advising you on their communication patterns from watching video footage and having online discussions with you when the child is not present.
- We have the ability to work directly (but indirectly through online interactive therapy for those children who could access.
- Home based learning materials and apps, which young people could access directly alongside a familiar adult supporting them
- Screen sharing can enable the child to access the therapy activities on their own ipad or PC whilst the therapists works in a 1;1 session with them
- Small group work can also be achieved online
- 1;1 online therapy sessions can be less pressured and very motivating to the child. Our therapists focus sessions on their interests and motivators to ensure therapy is fun and engaging.
- There are also benefits in cost saving, since travel to sessions is not required by the therapist and the sessions can be as long of short as your child can cope with.
Online therapy for adults:
- Informal and formal assessments can be delivered online with the adult directly to form a thorough evaluation of your communication needs.
- Our therapists can use a remote assessment tools to evaluate adult’s communication needs, who cant easily engage in direct online assessment by collating the baseline information from familiar family members/carers. This will enable target setting and communication profiling.
- Video footage can be collated by the you the client or family/carers and viewed by the therapist to gain a full and accurate picture of the areas of concern.
- Should nt be able to engage with work directly online In assessment the therapist can work solely with the family/carers through the use of video footage and take a client interaction approach to assessment, which means advising you on their communication patterns from watching video footage and having online discussions with you advising upon techniques, strategies and a therapy programme.
- We have the ability to work directly (but indirectly through online interactive therapy for those adults who could access.
- Screen sharing can enable you to access the therapy activities on your own tablet or PC whilst the therapists works in a 1;1 session.
- Our therapists focus sessions on your interests and motivators to ensure therapy is personalised and engaging. They can also focus it on areas you would like to practice in real life situations.
- There are also benefits in cost saving, since travel to sessions is not required by the therapist and the sessions can be as long of short as you require.
If you have any concerns about your child’s or your own speech, language or communication, now is the perfect time to refer to our online assessment and therapy services:
A therapist will be able to talk to you over the phone or online and assess
- Your child’s
- Your own needs
- Your settings needs
We can personalise a support package and offer you a date to get started without delay.
Contact us to find out more about your therapy pathway
Children – https://integratedtreatmentservices.co.uk/individuals/parent-of-a-child/
Adults – https://integratedtreatmentservices.co.uk/individuals/adult/
Education / Care Settings  – https://integratedtreatmentservices.co.uk/our-clients/schools-academies/