Auditory Processing Disorder
I am a Primary School teacher and I teach a boisterous year 2 class. A parent has recently approached me and told me that their child has...
I am a Primary School teacher and I teach a boisterous year 2 class. A parent has recently approached me and told me that their child has...
Why Talk Boost? Language delay can significantly impact on children’s attainment. Many of these children have the potential to...
“My 4 year old son has started stammering, I have referred him to the NHS speech and language therapist but there is a waiting list. What...
What to expect from an initial speech and language therapy appointment? “My son has got his first speech therapy session on Monday, I was...
What to expect if you are having a video fluoroscopy My 2 year old son is going in for a video fluoroscopy next week. He has Hemiplegia...
Autism Vs. Dyspraxia My daughter was diagnosed with autism 5 years ago and we have never questioned it. However, the paediatrician thinks...
My child has just being diagnosed with selective mutism and I am so confused. It was probably not the right thing to do but I looked on...
My 14 year old son has autism, he has always been a happy boy but he is starting to become quite down about not having many close...
At home my little girl is a happy little chatterbox, she talks to her toys when playing and will tell me all about her day at nursery....
How can being visually impaired affect communication? Two months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl but unfortunately she got an...