From the Tonight programme featured on ITV – On 24 November 2008 On Monday the ITV programme “Tonight” looked into the...

The Link between Buggy Design and Child Development A study carried out by Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, Senior Lecturer in the psychology department...

On Monday Septemeber 8th, FIVE NEWS highlighted a concern about the avialability of A2 milk, proven to have beneficial effects for children...

Signing is becoming increasingly popular in order to enable babies/toddlers to communicate. This article explains why signing may be...

A recent report in the New Scientist by Kamila and Henry Markram from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has looked at...

Speech and Language Therapist’s with specialist knowledge in brain injury are keen to share their knowledge & skills This...

Social stories were oringially developed for use with people with Autism, in order to share information about social skills. However social...