‘The charity that works to improve life after brain injury.’

Brain injury can cause devastation for those it affects, and for their families and carers. We know to well that an Acquired Brain injury can cause:

  • Motor Speech difficulties and/or facial weakness
  • Aphasia
  • Cognitive Communication Difficulties
  • Swallowing Difficulties (Dysphagia)
  • Mental Health Problems
  • Poor cognition including memory problems
  • Dyslexia and/or Dysgraphia
  • Dyspraxia

Headway is a key organisation committed to providing information, support and services to people with a brain injury, their families and carers.

Headway’s Objectives are:

  1. To increase awareness of brain injury and its consequences
  2. To initiate activities and campaigns which will reduce the incidence of brain injury
  3. To provide information and support for people with brain injuries, their relatives and carers and concerned professional people
  4. To promote improved approaches to brain injury screening, acute care, assessment, rehabilitation and social re-integration
  5. To assist people with brain injuries to return to community living, including access to appropriate accommodation, social outlets, and productive activity
  6. To support and help to establish Headway groups throughout the UK in furtherance of the charity’s mission statement
Objectives taken from Headway.org.uk

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Getting Support from Headway

If you or someone you know has been affected by brain injury, you can get free support and information from Headway’s helpline on 0808 800 2244.

For information on therapy services, call us for a free consultation with one of our friendly therapists.

Supporting Headway

If you would like to get involved in supporting Headway by donating or volunteering you can visit their website here.Â