ITS Monthly CPD Webinar The Voice ITS Monthly CPD Webinar
CPD webinar

The webinars are available for anyone in the Education or Care fields – you can register for the distribution list here on our Eventbrite page.

We will send the monthly webinar to you on, or around, the 20th of each month – starting from November 2017 – the webinar will be sent through to your nominated email address, alongside links to any teaching materials, and associated downloadable resources and a CPD certificate.

Topics to include the following:

  • SEN updates – Fairer funding processes, Mental health and well being across education, Primary assessment and proposals from the Rochford review, Reception baseline in 2020.
  • Speech Therapy approaches of interest – Colourful semantics, Talk tools, Talking Mats, Social stories and many more.
  • Clinical diagnostic groups Autistic Spectrum Condition, Augmentative and Alternative communication, Specific Language Impairment Dysfluency and Normal non fluency being examples.
  • Generalised classroom based support – integrating therapy ideas within the classroom
  • Ultimately we will ask for your feedback along the way so you can guide content.

* Please note our therapists and mentors will not be able to advise on client specific questions but will happily answer any further questions about the approach or resources associated with the session.


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